Sunday, January 27, 2008

Female Infanticide becoming rampant in Punjab

(Excerpts from a report in Outlook Magazine, JUST AS published in a website)

Punjab's crackdown on sex determination clinics and doctors performing female foeticide has had an unexpected and horrific result: an alarming increase in the incidence of female infanticide.

In recent weeks, there have been several cases of newborn girls being found abandoned in garbage dumps, parks, fields and canals.

In an attempt to stem the sudden spurt in female infanticide, the SGPC has decided to place cradles outside major gurdwaras for people to leave unwanted baby girls. In a similar response, the Amritsar district administration has placed a cradle outside Red Cross Bhavan, where newborn girls can be left without any questions being asked.

Punjab's long tradition of female infanticide dates back to the days when families killed their girls to prevent them from being carried off by invading armies. Common methods of killing babies include feeding her milk poisoned with the sap of aak (a commonly-found plant), stuffing a cotton ball in her throat, giving her a strong dose of opium.

December 27: Sushma gave birth to a healthy baby girl at a Bhatinda hospital. It was the couple's third girl child. The next morning, theinfant was found dead with blue marks around her nose and cheeks, leading to suspicions that she had been suffocated. The local police have registered a case.

December 19: The headless body of a three-day-old baby girl was found at Urban Estate in Jalandhar. Stray dogs had eaten much of her head and shoulders before passersby noticed and informed the police.

December 16: The body of a newborn baby girl was found on a pile of garbage in Akali Market in Amritsar. Stray dogs were fighting over her body all wrapped in a polythene sheet before people shooed them away.

October 23: A baby girl, just three hours after she was born, was found abandoned in a field near the Verka area in Amritsar. She was not even wrapped in a cloth and the rough stubble in the field had cut into her flesh when a passerby found the baby crying her lungs out.

One would have thought Punjab's crackdown on female foeticide would spell the end of the gory practice. But as the long, sad list on the left indicates, it has assumed even more sinister proportions: there has been an alarming increase in incidences of abandoned baby girls dead or alive being found across the state.

So acute is the problem that the Shiromani Gurdwara Prabandhak Committee (SGPC), the apex body controlling all Sikh shrines in Punjab, has been constrained to declare that it will place cradles at the entrances of important gurdwaras in the state so that parents obsessed with boys could "leave these innocent babies at the door of God, and not death".

SGPC president Avtar Singh Makkar told Outlook , "Do not kill children. We will bear the expense for bringing them up. Last month, we established theMata Gujri Bal Sambhal Kendra at Fatehgarh Sahib for this purpose.
The spurt in cases of baby girls being found in public parks, railway compartments and garbage heaps is a blot on Punjab.

"Though clampdowns by the government machinery on ultrasonography clinics and doctors involved in determining the sex of foetuses have been on for several years now, the first official acknowledgment of the growing newmenace of female infanticide has come from the Amritsar district administration. Just a couple of weeks ago, it put up a cradle at the District Red Cross Bhavan to enable people to leave their unwanted baby girls there. And on the first day itself, a woman from nearby Waryamvillage came to leave her third daughter in the cradle.

What is happening is shameful, and shows our utter disrespect for human life and dignity.

Our Solutions:

1) Continue with cradle programme. State should bear the responsibility

2) Activate adoption agencies

3) If still a girl child gets killed, stringent punishment to those who encourage such acts. Panchayats should be encouraged to report all pregnancies and the outcome.

4) Awarness campaign about the role of a daughter in a family is must.

5) Protection of women must be top most priority

6) Dowry abolition. SGPC recent dictate on simple marriages

7) Free education for girl child should be given and tax benefits to parents of two girls.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Courting Death in defence of their duty

Below (In Red) is a report by the International Federation of Journalists which does show how dangerous the profession remains for those looking for News to serve the society. Surely, many parts of this world still remain a dangerous place for men moving around with Comps and Cams.

The Report:
At least 134 reporters were murdered last year, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) says. The majority of casualties occurred in Iraq, the organization's report shows.

Middle East remains the most dangerous region for journalist to work in, with a death toll of 68, followed by Somalia where eight reporters died. Pakistan, Mexico and Sri Lanka are also in the list.

ICJ president Jim Boumelha said that violence against journalists, who are targeted while performing their duties in dangerous places, remains high. In addition to the 134 reporters who were killed while working, a further 37 died in accidents.

Hopefully, 2008 will be different, saving Journos from blood suckers still ruling some parts of this world.

Monday, December 31, 2007


(Rpting one of the first posts in this blog. it is very relevant for next few days)

A story on farmers' suicides in India in rediff. Such a shame that it is happening even 60 years after independence. And these are not isolated cases.

In fact, if you read the story above along with the one on 1,50,000 farmers committing suicide between 1997 and 2005, you will realise the gravity of the situation in India.

When the Indian politicians cheer happy new year to 2008, they will do well to remember the plight of the majority of their vote bank. If they do not, they will be no different from the suckers all over the world!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Despicable attack on Churches which each of us must condemn

The religious intolerance must be unacceptable in an India, which seeks to thrive on acceptance of differing religious beliefs for its citizens.

Hence, it was sad to read a report in the, which said that many churches and prayer houses were ransacked and torched by suspected saffron (Right Wing Hindu) activists in several areas of Kandhamal district in Orissa in the early hours.

One wonders why this targeting of Churches on conversion issue, which is purely an individual matter of belief. Such instances bring shame on the whole of civil society, and must be condemned very strongly.

All the parties need to come out in support of the Christians, who are only helping the Dalits of the area. If people prefer to be Christians because it saves them from hunger and help them get education, then so be it.

Friday, December 21, 2007

The 1984 riots

Two interesting stories in IBN Live on what was the truth behind the 1984 riots. Whether Mr Tytler is guilty or not, that time will tell, but these stories are worth a read. They also show the ineffectiveness of the system to deliver, which effectively makes it justice denied.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

A SHOCKing Report

Though their doings can't be a reflection on the teaching community, some of them are sadists in the garb of gurus. It is very important to weed out such elements to reinforce common man's faith in the educational system.

A shocking report on one such teacher, who thought of a novel use of electric current.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Poison Merchants set to ruin Punjab villages

Another story, this time in the Times of India, on how the health of the villages is being destroyed by spraying of untreated Industrial Waste. Worse, these incidents, happing for ages, are leading to a situation where DNA mutation is happening among the children. It is even leading to miscarriages among women and stunted growth among the children.
Certainly a pressing issue which needs to be addressed very quickly. For the affected people, it is even more important than the 'high profile issue' of Global Warming.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Those who teach their kids the violent ways

''Be pushy son (even at the extent of felling someone!), I am always there for you''.

That violent indoctrination is what results in Law breakers, bullies and killers. The parents who teach their children to have their way at any cost are not really serving the cause of the society.

Retaliation is alright because to submit to wrong is a bigger sin. One can't really tell their children to submit to any thing and every thing in a world where commercial interests have killed the compassion in us. They have to survive after all, even after us.

But to indoctrinate them to be unnecessarily violent, especially by the rich and well connected parents, is sure to make animals out of them. That is certainly not good parenting and it manifests in instances of unnecessary rage and killings, which can only be self-defeating.

And when it happens, it really SUCKS.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

NGOs acting like real estate dealers in Gujarat!

A very interesting piece in HT on why everyone loves a victim. Simply beautiful piece on why so many of us want to keep Gujaratis refrigerated as victims for all times to come. The article talks about Muslims in Gujrat having a literacy rate of 73 per cent, more than Muslims anywhere and more than the national average. It also talks about some NGOs behaving like real estate dealers.

Hopefully, once the elections are overs -- whether Modi loses or not -- the helpless image of Muslims in Gujarat will be replaced by a vibrant one. The one which befits the land of Mahatama.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

When incompetence is a boon!

Please do not make the mistake of thinking that your qualifications are good enough. It is very important to assess the qualifications of your boss as well. Wisdom does not just lie in being qualified and talented.


Act as a comedian if competence does not rule you. And be competent if you feel otherwise. That is the morale of the story below in rediff.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Polluters of life-saving rivers

They deserve their names to be placed among the foremost suckers of this world. They are the owners of factories, who do not bat an eyelid as they threaten the health of millions by dumping toxic waste into the Indian rivers with impunity.

Take for example river Cauvery, the lifeline of the Southern State of Tamil Nadu, which according to an NDTV report is turning out to be a ''dump yard of toxins''

The report reveals that workers from a company in Kerala were caught red handed while releasing 16,000 litres of toxic ferrous chloride into the river in Mettur.

Cauvery, however, is not the isolated case. That is the typical problem staring at most of the Indian rivers.

The concerned environmentalists say that these acts, in the long run, will pose serious health hazards including bone deformities and cancer. These activists also blame the strong collusion between these polluting units and authorities at various levels for the present sorry state of affairs.

The sooner this bunch of people are reined in and rivers are allowed to flow in all their cleanliness, the better it will be for the health of India.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Indian farmers assert their rights

For last few years, a trend has been seen in India where farmers’ land is acquired at low rates and then residential and commercial accommodations made on them are sold for a price which is many many times more than the actual price.

Now few farming villages have come out in protest against such unfairness. Farmers in about 15 villages in Greater Noida, in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh, have refused to give away their land at throwaway rates.

The villagers here are asking for Rs two million per beegha against the official rate of 0.34 million per bigha – basically six times more than what the government is offering.

The Indian Express quotes Rajpal Singh Bhati, organizer and chief of Kisan Sangharsh Samiti (An organization to protect farmers’ rights), as saying that ‘’why should we accept such low rates when circle rates and rates of commercial and residential properties touches the sky.’’

He says that the farmers are now aware of facts and figures, hence the protest.

That is a good news. The farmers do deserve a fair treatment for leaving a land which has fed their generations. Especially in a nation which still takes pride in the fact that it cares for its farmers.

But they must also learn to utilize their money in productive purposes. That is important considering many farmers, after selling their land, end up in the net of self-destruction through money intenstive and unproductive activities .

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Killings, and justified killing!

There were two really distressing developments in India today. One when Modi challenged people to punish him if killing Sohrab was wrong. He went on to the extent of justifying the killing.

Now, the issue is that we have a judicial system to punish people, if charge of terrorism is proved against them. This kind of statement will only incite people to take law into their hand.

The Second distressing development was when more gravelike structures were found at Nandigram, adding fuel to the fire which was in the process of getting extinguished.

Both BJP and CPM look to be in the dock as of now. All thanks to some irresponsible statements and misuse of the power of the state.

Over 1000 die in Manholes every year in India

And that is a conservative estimate of ‘’cleaners dying in gutters’’according to Kamdar Swasthya Suraksha Mandal, an NGO of Ahmedabad in Tehelka Magazine.

Chairperson of National Commission of Safai Karmacharies Santosh Choudhary says that at least two to three persons must be dying every day inside manholes across India.

The magazine says that ‘’unnoticed by the world, India has been subjecting a particular sub-caste withing Dalits to this genocide for decades’’.

Now Genocide may be a very harsh word used by the magazine, utter neglect would have been much better, but the fact that closing our eyes to their dismal state is indeed tremendous neglect.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


A story on farmers' suicides in India in rediff. Such a shame that it is happening even 60 years after independence. And these are not isolated cases.

In fact, if you read the story above along with the one on 1,50,000 farmers committing suicide between 1997 and 2005, you will realise the gravity of the situation in India.

When the Indian politicians cheer happy new year to 2008, they will do well to remember the plight of the majority of their vote bank. If they do not, they will be no different from the suckers all over the world!

Monday, December 3, 2007

Their babies wear nappies diverted from Kargil funds!

The top story in National newspaper Hindustan Times reveals the depths to which we can descend.

It says some Government officials running Indian Red Cross society branches in Punjab used fund amounting to akhs, meant for relief to people affected by war or natural disasters, to buy cars, ACs, Cellphones, and even nappies for their babies

The story came via an Right to Information Act filed by Ludhiana based NGO Resurgence India.

Till day the whole nation salutes the Kargil Martyrs and people who underwent sufferings due to the war. But some people did not think twice before eating into the money and stuff meant for the real sufferers.

This chunk does constitute the suckers of the world.