Friday, December 14, 2007

Those who teach their kids the violent ways

''Be pushy son (even at the extent of felling someone!), I am always there for you''.

That violent indoctrination is what results in Law breakers, bullies and killers. The parents who teach their children to have their way at any cost are not really serving the cause of the society.

Retaliation is alright because to submit to wrong is a bigger sin. One can't really tell their children to submit to any thing and every thing in a world where commercial interests have killed the compassion in us. They have to survive after all, even after us.

But to indoctrinate them to be unnecessarily violent, especially by the rich and well connected parents, is sure to make animals out of them. That is certainly not good parenting and it manifests in instances of unnecessary rage and killings, which can only be self-defeating.

And when it happens, it really SUCKS.

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