Saturday, December 8, 2007

Polluters of life-saving rivers

They deserve their names to be placed among the foremost suckers of this world. They are the owners of factories, who do not bat an eyelid as they threaten the health of millions by dumping toxic waste into the Indian rivers with impunity.

Take for example river Cauvery, the lifeline of the Southern State of Tamil Nadu, which according to an NDTV report is turning out to be a ''dump yard of toxins''

The report reveals that workers from a company in Kerala were caught red handed while releasing 16,000 litres of toxic ferrous chloride into the river in Mettur.

Cauvery, however, is not the isolated case. That is the typical problem staring at most of the Indian rivers.

The concerned environmentalists say that these acts, in the long run, will pose serious health hazards including bone deformities and cancer. These activists also blame the strong collusion between these polluting units and authorities at various levels for the present sorry state of affairs.

The sooner this bunch of people are reined in and rivers are allowed to flow in all their cleanliness, the better it will be for the health of India.

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